My children are on our lake community's summer swim team. They are in different age brackets on that team which means they practice at different times. That means I sit on the beach for a minimum of three hours each Monday to Thursday. I know: boo hoo. I'm trying not to micromanage my children- Free Range Kids and all- so once the sunscreen is on, I try to do my own thing without hovering. I've only got so much chit chat, gossip, and complaining to other parents in me, so eventually I start reading. I tried reading for my new teaching gig, but it's hard to focus on Shakespeare with frequent interruptions for snacks and squabble settling, so it's strictly beach reading at the lake now. I'm almost done with Stieg Larsson's
The Girl Who Played with Fire. I read his first last year for my book club (it was a big hit with the ladies, by the way), and I think I like this one even better. Honest to God, though, every single character and place name sounds like an item in the IKEA catalogue. That's not even me trying to be funny. While I was reading it the other day, another mom mentioned that she is on the third of Larsson's novels and had I read the review in the Times (NY I assume) that proposes that the main female character, Lisbeth Salander is actually the grownup Pipi Longstocking. I had not seen that article, but the notion has made me happy all week. I think I have written here about how much I loved Pipi as a girl and how thoroughly my kids and I loved reading Astrid Lindgren's book a year or so ago.
So, that's what I'm reading at the beach. Have you got a juicy summer book? Do tell.
Oooh, wow.. I just read an NYT review on the trilogy and all reviews were gushing. Simply glowing. Which of course has piqued my curiosity.
Other beach reads? Hmm. "We Need to Talk About Kevin" was un-put-down able. Dark, but great.
"Nantucket Nights," a favorite of my sister's? Dear God, it was bad. Run, do not walk, to the nearest exit.
I need to find a good book. We just rid ourselves of cable. It's really quiet in my house after my kids go to bed.
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